- winyy
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- winyy #101 revised | Weekly innovation newsletter by Yuichiro Yoshinari
winyy #101 revised | Weekly innovation newsletter by Yuichiro Yoshinari
winyy #101 issue : revised
Note: The English part follows.
(何ゆえか、文章が抜け落ちて配信されてしまったので、修正版を送付させて頂きます。新しいサービスにはまだ慣れません・・・ 加えて、12時間空けないと次の配信ができないという制限もあり、間の空いた再送になってしまいました・・・)
The first part of an interview with Dr. Hoshi, Principal of Stanford Online School, famous for his book "Stanford Style: The Power to Survive and Thrive" was featured in Diamond Online and Yahoo News. I talked about "recurrent education" based on my career and experience!
The link is included below. The second part will be published next Sunday, February 19. Next week I will talk about "Design Thinking".
Sorry it wasn't in the newsletter and the web site is in Japanese. Please use Google Translate!
